Brighton Bewitched 2016
The Doreen Valiente Foundation will be back in Brighton for Witchfest 2016. Witchfest is on 25th/26th/27th November which is also the final weekend for the display of Doreen's artefacts at Preston Manor. We'll have a stall out with the other community and charity organisations during some of the day where you can buy books, merchandise and Foundation memberships as well as a few "Witchfest specials" (which you can also buy online from our webstore).
Of course Witchfest will see us take to the stage again, one year on from John Belham-Payne making the announcement about the opening of the exhibition. As mentioned above, Witchfest weekend will be the last chance to see the exhibition, just up the road in Brighton at Preston Manor - click here for more details ) and we'll be looking back at this historic year, talking about the exhibition and our future plans and remembering John who so tragically passed away in February, just before the exhibition opened. We'll also have our trustee Ashley Mortimer popping up on the Witchfest "Ask A Witch Panel"
As if that wasn't enough, there's the new play about Doreen Valiente entitled "Doreen, An English Witch" which is playing during the weekend with it's final performance on the Sunday afternoon - More information here.
For those without tickets for the play, or those who want to have a bit of a gathering on the Sunday morning, we'll be at the Marlborough Theatre from 11.30am on Sunday 27th where you can come and chat to us, get directions to Preston Manor or just warm up for the play in the afternoon.

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